In Repair
Hi blog. It’s been a while. Though I wouldn’t fault you for thinking so, the neglect I have demonstrated in the past year and bit has nothing to do with how meaningless or devalued you have become to me. I now recognize that you, along with much of what used to bring me great joy, fulfillment and energy, have been marginalized over the last little while, despite being some of my life’s greatest loves and sources of happiness. I have an explanation, but not an excuse. I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. This hardly makes me unique, and my story is far from unusual. I am one of about 25% of women in my age group who will live with this condition. How I personally got here is still something I am exploring and seeking to understand. Partially because I’m a historian, and dig the whole "you must understand History, or else it will repeat itself" thing. But mostly, this is an exercise in ensuring that my life doesn’t plateau, or worse- that m...