
Showing posts from February, 2011

Lost in Translation

Twelve countries, nine languages…two of which I speak and understand. One of which I pretend to speak and understand. Though I manage to order coffee, and a (more than) occasional cheeseburger in our 3 Spanish speaking ports of call during my first semester at Class Afloat, I am limited to express myself in this beautiful language beyond ordering food, answering “muy bien” to “Como estas?”, and asking where the nearest bathroom is. This proves to be a challenge as Christina and I get into a taxi in Cartagena, Colombia, and attempt to make our way back to the tall ship we call home. This gorgeous South American port is donned with two major marinas, and we try make sure our unilingual cab driver knows where to take us. Foolishly, we have not prepared in advance for this: our cab driver has no idea where we are asking him to go. In all fairness to him, our broken Spanish is pitiful, and of no help at all. This, however, does not keep us from trying. Christina, confident that her summer t...