The tales of Short Tail Shearwater
The green cliffs of the archipelago of the Azores Islands, reminiscent of what I have imagined Ireland to resemble, welcome us in Mid-March, after spending the first half of this month at sea. I, admittedly, do not have Geography as a strong suit. I first learned of where the Azores where located last year, while looking on a giant world map on the wall of CFIS’ cafeteria with one of my students. We were pointing to various islands and countries, expressing our enthusiasm of perhaps one day being lucky enough to see them through a traveler’s eyes. Amidst our wandering and deciphering of the gigantic mural, the Azores were pointed out. I had remembered seeing this location mentioned on the Class Afloat itinerary for the upcoming school year. “Hey - I’ll be on that island next year. Awesome.” We find Horta, on the island of Faial near the end of winter; a season which is mostly marked by rain, and wind. This changes the planned program of a day-long volcano hike, as vis...