Bonjour Saint-Malo!
Bonjour France! Arriving in Saint-Malo, France, our first port, is as incredible as we had imagined it to be. We get to shore in the afternoon of the 19th, and the trials and tribulations we faced during our sail quickly become stories we now laugh whole heartedly at, instead of cry about. Here is a youtube video taken by one of our students during the storm: Shortly after we dock, the faculty heads to a local seafood restaurant to celebrate Jason, our shipboard director’s birthday. I fall in love with France immediately. Not only does it not make me nauseous, but it also has 3 course seafood meals for under 12 Euros. Add cheaper-than-water-but-still-incredibly-good red wine to the mix, and I am now definitely in a state of bliss. We start trading stories of our experience weathering a force 9 storm. Christina and I fondly remember that fateful night/neverending day, and our state of utter invalidity. As you may recall, Christina became my roo...